I passed my Technician class exam way back in high school during the 80's in CA, at which point I received the callsign N6GFK. I have since reignited my interest in ham radio, because I wanted to start making some serious DX (distance) contacts. I tested through the Amateur Extra class, and set up a new ham shack. Here is the equipment I am running with:
Yaesu FT-897 HF/VHF/UHF 100W Transceiver
AL-811 600W Linear Amp
G5RV jr. omnidirectional dipole antenna (a wire hanging in the trees behind my house)
Drake MN-2700 Antenna Tuner
My contact list is doing well - I am routinely making HF contacts around the US on 20M and 40M bands. But of course I would like to take this performance up a notch. I can sometimes pick out signals from other continents, but they are pretty weak. I know what this means - I need an antenna upgrade to a directional beam antenna.
An extra constraint - I do not have a lot of space in my backyard, so an HF beam needs to stay within a 30 ft maximum lateral dimension. Time to do some research.
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