Saturday, May 26, 2012

Latest QSO map - including new Asia & Island nation contacts

I recently have made a number of QSOs in China, Japan & little places like New Caledonia and the Azores.  Here is my latest QSO map...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Longest wordwide contact to date, made... today

Scanning the 20m band for possible QSOs, I saw a callsign that I didn't recognize - ZS6WR.
The signal was pretty strong. The band was behaving noticeably well today, but I didn't realize how well until I looked this station up.

It was from Geoff, a ham located just outside of JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA.

Here is the link for his ham radio club:

Distance for this contact - 10,242 miles.

It's official, I can reach around the world with this ham shack!
For more information on the contact, check my radio log:

Just awesome. Geoff made my day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Moving in to the new shack!

Check out the new ham shack! This sure beats huddling by a space heater out in the garage!
Also in the picture is my supervisor Roscoe.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

HRD Net Logbook and metrics/maps

Trying out the online radio logging at Here is one of the generated maps available on the site:

Google map of my recent contacts on 10m, 20m and 40m

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New PSK contact monitoring site

This looks interesting...

Trying it out to see how it works, and where it pulls its data from.